Currently playing:

Animal Crossing: New Leaf Welcome Amiibo
I was so excited to play this!! I have played Animal Crossing: New Horizons before. But buying a Switch is scary, so this is a much nicer way to get my Animal Crossing fix. I might make a page just for my New Leaf town...
My town is named Blossom and I wanna go for a kind of pink theme. My favourite villager is Tangy.

A Witch's Tale
I found this game at a book sale years ago and never got around to playing it, but finally I am! It's very cute, but a little slow. It feels like... Disgaea for middle school girls. Lots of fairytales and Alice in Wonderland and lolita motifs.

Cooking Mama: Sweet Shop
I aaaalways wanted to play a Cooking Mama game ever since I was little and I have not been let down. This game is SO cute and yummy and fun!! I wanna try making some different goodies from this game.

Phoenix Wright Trilogy
The fujo girlies did not disappoint me w this. This game is a lot of fun, nice to cuddle up with on a cold night in bed ykno? I'm a little surprised by how saucy some of the sprites and jokes are. I'm still only early in the game, mind you.

Style Savvy: Fashion Forward
Super cute fashion game!! I just picked a random one and started with it haha. Apparently this is entry 2 in a trilogy lol. I absolutely ADORE all of the lolita fashion options. Omg this game gets it it really does.

Want to play:

Nothing right now, pls give me reccs!!

Have played:

My Melody Negai ga Kanau Fushigi na Hako
A cute little platformer. Very simple but it's fun.

I have what you might consider an irrational fear of games of any kind.

After a lot of failures in my journey to get over my fear of gaming, I finally hyped myself up to get a 3DS. I had a DS Lite as a kid, so it was a little more familiar to me and I didn't need to experience the anxiety around it being a modern console.

The small web is full of anti social gamers, so I know a lot of you will struggle to understand the concept that games could install such anxiety and fear in a person. Please try to understand that my doing this is a major achievement for me. In buying this console and playing these games I'm doing something I thought I would never be able to do. I know a lot of the games I play may be childish or "not real games", but I really am starting from the beginning.